Processus de traitement des plaintes
The Complaint Process
Complaints can be made in writing, by telephone, e-mail, fax or by visiting the office.
Complaints filed with the Ombudsman are confidential. The details of the complaint will be discussed only with the complainant and the government body involved.
Who Can Make a Complaint?
Any person, group, society or company with a complaint against a provincial or municipal government department, agency, board or commission can contact the Office of the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman investigates complaints from individuals who feel they have been treated unfairly by those who provide provincial or municipal government services. We encourage complainants to try and resolve the complaint by contacting the government body involved. If there are internal avenues of appeal, the complainant is encouraged to use them before the complaint is reviewed.
There is no fee for the services of the Office of the Ombudsman.
What are the Roles in the Complaint Process?
The complainant's role is to provide the Office of the Ombudsman with details about the complaint. This should include any relevant documentation and the names of anyone who may have information about the matter.
The department's role is to respond to a complaint in a thorough and timely manner and to seek clarification of any issues that are not clearly understood.
The role of the Office of the Ombudsman is to ensure complaints are addressed in an unbiased and objective manner. This is done by ensuring that both the complainant and the government body are given the opportunity to provide the office with information and feedback concerning the complaint.
Que faire si j'ai des doutes sur la façon dont le Bureau de l'ombudsman a traité ma plainte?
Si vous avez des inquiétudes sur la façon dont votre plainte a été traitée par l'Office, envoyez un courriel à l'adresse ou composez le numéro sans frais 1-800-670-1111 et fournissez les renseignements suivants :
- Votre nom
- Le numéro de dossier de votre plainte (si vous le connaissez)
- Le nom du représentant de l'ombudsman affecté au dossier
- Un résumé de vos inquiétudes
Un gestionnaire communiquera avec vous dans un délai de cinq (5) jours ouvrables pour discuter de vos inquiétudes.
Si vous avez toujours des inquiétudes après cette conversation avec un gestionnaire, vous pouvez transmettre votre plainte à l'ombudsman adjoint.
Si vos inquiétudes ne sont pas abordées au niveau de l'ombudsman adjoint, vous pouvez transmettre votre plainte à l'étape finale de notre processus interne de résolution des plaintes, soit à l'ombudsman.
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