Canadian Council of Parliamentary Ombudsman releases updated version of “Fairness by Design: An Administrative Fairness Assessment Guide”.

This Fairness by Design guide is an assessment tool that can be used by public organizations across Canada to ensure they have fair decision-making processes and are fair in the design and delivery of their programs. The guide was developed by the Canadian Council of Parliamentary Ombudsman (CCPO). The CCPO is comprised of provincial and territorial Ombudsman (Ombuds) whose mandate is to ensure people are treated fairly in the delivery of public services. Public organizations can use this guide to ensure their policies, programs and practices are consistent with administrative fairness standards. By following these fairness standards when reviewing or developing public programs, policies and procedures, those who deliver public services are more likely to achieve fair administration and excellence in service delivery. The CCPO encourages all public organizations to regularly review their policies using these fairness standards and invites proactive engagement and consultation with our offices to help build fairness into the design of their programs.
The first edition of this guide was issued in 2019. We are pleased to share this updated and revised second edition.
To view the Fairness by Design guide, click here.