La Province a nommé Christine Brennan au poste d’ombudsman. La nomination entre en vigueur immédiatement et la durée des fonctions est de cinq ans.

An inquiry was received by an individual who had received an order from Sheriff Services to vacate their home within two days as a result of a previous decision by Residential Tenancies. The individual’s main concern when contacting this Office appeared to be that they were having difficulty with Income Assistance.
La Province a nommé Christine Brennan au poste d’ombudsman. La nomination entre en vigueur immédiatement et la durée des fonctions est de cinq ans.
The Province has appointed Christine Brennan as Ombudsman. The appointment, for a term of five years, is effective immediately.
Ms. Brennan is an experienced leader who most recently served as acting ombudsman.
“Nova Scotians will benefit from the deep expertise Christine Brennan brings as the Ombudsman,” said Premier Tim Houston. “We know she will help promote fairness and accountability in the delivery of government services.”
This Fairness by Design guide is an assessment tool that can be used by public organizations across Canada to ensure they have fair decision-making processes and are fair in the design and delivery of their programs. The guide was developed by the Canadian Council of Parliamentary Ombudsman (CCPO). The CCPO is comprised of provincial and territorial Ombudsman (Ombuds) whose mandate is to ensure people are treated fairly in the delivery of public services.
Nova Scotia Ombudsman William A. Smith will retire effective June 30, Premier Tim Houston announced today, May 3.
“Mr. Smith planned to retire earlier but agreed to stay on to support the office through the pandemic. I thank Mr. Smith for his many years of service to the people of Nova Scotia and to Canada and wish him well in his retirement. A search for his successor will begin in the near future,” said Premier Houston.
Nova Scotia Ombudsman William A. Smith said the year 2020-2021 has been “like no other” for his Office, as it adapted to the new normal of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
News Release
Premier Iain Rankin announced today, May 20, that Nova Scotia’s ombudsman William A. Smith has been reappointed to a second five-year term effective June 1.
The Nova Scotia Office of the Ombudsman is moving to a new location in Park Lane Terraces on Spring Garden Road, Halifax.
We are excited to announce on #NationalChildDay that we are looking to add to the Ombudsman Youth Council as we begin our 3rd year!