Case Studies
The Final Report for the Child Death Review undertaken by this Office was issued in 2014 and the implementation of the recommendations have been monitored since that time. While many of the recommendations relate to policy development within the responding departments, there was one recommendation that was issued to all three responding departments.
In January 2019, two complainants contacted this Office to advocate for a sibling, who had been dealing with Housing Nova Scotia (HNS). The complainants and the sibling felt “wronged” by the actions of HNS related to the sibling’s residency which the family believed the sibling was paying rent-to-own.
It often falls to the Office of the Ombudsman to try to explain what may seem like a confusing government regulation or funding formula to a complainant. Or, more usefully, to persuade an administrator of a particular program to explain it to a complainant in a non-judgmental way.
In June 2017, an Ombudsman Representative noted several complaints had been received the previous month regarding the effectiveness of the complaint process at the Wood Street Centre (WSC).
Legislative Counsel, at the request of a committee of the House of Assembly, contacted the Office regarding the Nova Scotia House of Assembly Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace Policy that was under development. In this policy, the Office of the Ombudsman is responsible to investigate certain allegations of harassment. Representatives from this Office provided feedback on a draft version of the policy. A meeting was also held with Legislative Counsel to discuss the role of the Ombudsman’s Office in investigating allegations of harassment under the policy.
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